Update: May 1st

Work is progressing on tuning our servers in order to get the best out of them, enhance reliability, and address the performance and responsiveness issues that have been reported. We acknowledge the patience and cooperation of everyone while this process of “bedding in” takes place.

Please rest assured that our team is very active in working to deliver the high quality service that we are committed to providing.

Customer support teams are very busy at present dealing with high volumes of requests. If you are experiencing issues that are likely to be due to the high load on our servers: this might manifest itself as logging in being successful but taking a long time; not being able to see a list of the folders in your mailbox when logged in to webmail; actions when using webmail taking a long time or not happening, please take a moment to consider before submitting a support request. It’s likely that the cause of the issues you are seeing is short term, and often waiting a few minutes, or perhaps opting to deal with your email at quieter times in the day can be all that’s needed.

Currently we’re seeing that early mornings before 10am, between about 12 noon and 2pm, and late evening after about 8pm are, as one might expect, the quieter periods of the day.

If you do need to get in touch with customer support, please aim to provide the details they’ll need in order to be able to assist you promptly, please try to be patient as they are very busy at this time, and of course please be respectful – we take a dim view of the use of offensive or abusive language or behaviour.

Your cooperation is gratefully acknowledged.