Service Migration News

Technically speaking, the migration of user accounts for all those users who placed an order in good time is now complete. Which isn’t to say that there is not still a good deal of work to do – there is.

If you placed your order with us in the last few days, please bear with us. We are processing new orders, but it’s taking a little longer than we might normally like. We are in the midst of supporting thousands of other customers as they get settled in to the new email service, and as you might expect that is generating a lot of activity by way of support requests.

The expanded team at Midcounties is working flat out to help everyone who needs help with passwords, logins and a range of other issues, and that in turn puts a lot of additional work into our team here at

If you’re waiting to hear back about a support ticket that you’ve raised, please take a few moments to review the information in our expanding online FAQ.

Key bits of information that might be helpful at this stage for anyone who is struggling to log in to our webmail service:

The webmail service can be reached at

When you get there you should NOT try to log in using a username ending in (these usernames have now all been superseded with your original username that will end with something like,, etc.

Unless you placed your order very recently, you will have been sent a password when the new mailbox was set up for you. These commonly look like four random words with hyphens in between, something like sunshine-gravy-tidy-autumn.