Using with your own domain

Read this article if you have one or more email addresses that are on your own domain and that you previously had working in some way with the Phone Coop.

So for example:

  • You have an email address with your own domain – eg
  • You also have a Phone Coop mailbox – eg (or possibly not)
  • Mail from that domain arrives in your Phone Coop mailbox (or possibly not)
  • You have been allowed to send using the Phone Coop service ‘as’ the other address – eg you have been sending emails that appear to be from but that go through the Phone Coop servers

If this applies to you, then you won’t be able to continue doing this without making a special arrangement with

It has taken us a while to realise how many users are affected by this, and we apologise for any inconvenience.

Why this new rule?

Our system is set up so that users can only send from domains that are registered on our system. This is to make it secure from misuse and is in line with modern best practice. Sending through a server that is not identifiable as being connected with a domain is ‘spoofing’ – spam filters don’t like it because that is exactly what spammers do.

But we can offer a service that lets you use your domain with

How can I carry on using the service with my domain?

Ideally we would ask that you transfer your domain to us. But this is not necessary.

To use the service with your domain, what we do ask is:

That your domain is set to send incoming email to our server. This means setting the MX record to ‘’ – don’t worry if you don’t know what that means, we can help.

That you upgrade to a ‘Premium’ account with us if you have not already done so. A Premium account allows you up to 5 mailboxes with up to 25GB of space. We can apply ‘aliases’ for free.

What if I have a website?

You may have a website also on your domain that was previously hosted by Phone Coop (or Poptel). That is now hosted by Northway. If you want, Northway can provide you with an email service – please take that up with them. Or you can use the service without affecting your website – wherever it is hosted. This is your choice.

OK, I want to do this, what next?

Email us at and we’ll get back to you with instructions on what to do.

No, this is not what I signed up for, I want my money back

Email us at and we’ll arrange a refund.